Entomology is an important and opportunistic subject with vast opportunity in agriculture field. for those who are going to prepare themselves in agricultural entomology for higher studies and exam like JRF ,SRF, ARS, ICAR-NET , should prepare properly and complete all the things according to the syllabus. For exam like JRF , we should give the equal importance to Entomology and Nematology and general agriculture.
Here the lists of the books are recommended for your complete prepration in agricultural entomology(To buy the books click on the book’s name):
- INSECTA ( By K.N .Raghumurthi, V. Balasubramani, M.R. Srinivasan, N. Natarajan): This book completes the Introduction and History of entomology, Insect Morphology, Insect Physiology, Insects taxonomy part. This book is very helpful to prepare your base and clear the basic concepts of entomology .
- PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY ( By K.N Raghumurthi, M.R. Srinivasan, V. Balasubramani, N. Natarajan): This book contents the total applied part of entomology . It focuses on Economic Entomology( Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac culture and Management of household and livestock pests), Insect Ecology, Toxicology, Integrated pest management, Insects pests of crops, Stored grain pests etc.
- APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY (BY D.S.REDDY): A good book for competitive exams like ICAR-JRF, SRF, ARS, SAUs Entrance exam. It cover all the applied entomology portion with good information and in tabular form. It covers the insects pest of crops and their management portion very well and with many importance points.
- ELEMENTS OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY( By B. Vasantharaj David, V.V. Ramamurthy): This book covers the Ecomomic entomology and crop pests with good description .
- ENTOMOLOGY TREATISE( By T. V. Prasad): A very helpful book which covers all the entomology syllabus with important points only .It is very helpful for your final preparation for any competitive or entrance exam in SAUs. It helps to gather the many important data on entomology.
- ENTOMOLOGY REFRESHER ( By K. Phani Kumar, C.P . VIJI): This book also helpful for your revision purpose with many important data , many short notes . It covers both the applied and insect morphology, taxonomy, physiology part.
- HANDBOOK OF ENTOMOLOGY( By T.V. Prasad): This book covers the all parts of entomology with description. The book is further recommended for gaining knowledge and very helpful for preparation for ARS Mains, SRF, SAUs Exam.
- OBJECTIVE ENTOMOLOGY( By T.V. Prasad): A book good for practise purpose. It contains all objectives questions, fill in the blanks,match the followings for your practise purpose with answares .
- TEXTBOOK OF INTRODUCTORY PLANT NEMATOLOGY ( By Bajaj and Walia): It covers all the important part of nematology with good description. It covers thetotal syllabus of plant nematology ,comes under the agricultural entomology .
- PLANT NEMATOLOGY AT A GLANCE ( By Manjunath B. & Srinivasa N.): This book covers all the part of nematology with small description and many objective questions with the answers.
- PLANT NEMATOLOGY A QUICK GLANCE( By K. Sankari Meena, P. Manju): This book is only for objective and practise purpose .
- OBJECTIVE ENTOMOLOGY & NEMATOLOGY ( By S.V Sai Prasad, V.Sridhar, S.N. Sushil, R.S. Sukla): This book is with many objectives question and also provide the previous year question papers for practising.
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