The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) also called as Farm Science Centre was designed to impart need-based and skill-oriented vocational training to the practising farmers, in-service field level extension workers and to those people interested in self employment.
Based on the recommendations of the Education Committee (1964-1965) and Mohan Sinha Mehta Committee 1974, KVK were established. First, KVK was established at Pondicherry in 1974, under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
The basic concept of KVK is to import learning through work experience, technical literacy and providing training to those extension agents who are already employed or to the practising farmers and fishermen.
Principles of KVK
- Agricultural production is the prime goal.
- Work-experience as the main method of imparting training.
- Priority to weaker sections of the society.
Mandates of KVK
- Traning programme
- Frontline Demonstration
- On-farm testing.
Total man-power strength of KVK is 16.
On 1st April, 1992, all first-line transfer of technology projects of the ICAR wiz, NO, ORP, LLP have been integrated with the KVKs.
KVK is sponsored by ICAR and implemented and monitored by ICAR, SAUs, State Dept. of Agriculture.
At present there are 716 KVKs in India. One virtual KVK at IIT Kanpur and e-connectivity is provided to 192 KVKs.
KVK was recommended by which Committee?
MS Mehta Committee
1st KVK was established at
The 1st KVK was established in the year
Presently, India has __ number of KVKs.
………..marked the Golden Jubilee of ICAR.
LLP was started in the year
1st April 1992
The 1st established KVK is under which University?
The virtual KVK is located at
IIT, Kanpur
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