AIEEA PG JRF or ICAR JRF is an All India basis examination for admission to Master Degree Programmes related to Agricultural Sciences conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). With Krishi Pathshala, you will get all the preparation you need for ICAR JRF Exam; Agriculture Mock Tests for ICAR JRF, Study Materials & Daily Practice Tests.
Why choose Krishi Pathshala when you prepare for ICAR JRF?
- Conceptualized Study Materials
- Analytical CBT Mock Tests
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Choose Your Mock Test
We are providing Proper CBT Mock Tests (Online) for all the subjects of ICAR JRF Examination. Enroll for one or more ICAR JRF Mock Tests to check your preparation as per actual scenario.

Practice Daily
Practice makes perfect. With our Daily Practice Courses, you can practice your knowledge and preparation for ICAR JRF upto 1 month daily with proper CBT (online) mode for enhancing the experience.